One wound that heals the other: Tattoos for scars
Excellent option for those who decide to transform their wounds
19 July 2022
Generally, most people decide to get a tattoo simply for pleasure and not to hide a specific problem. However, some people have gone through circumstances that led them to think about this possibility.
The physical appearance is usually a very important issue, since it is not only a matter of merely superfluous appreciation, but also a matter of self perception.
Looking at ourselves in the mirror and feeling comfortable and accepted is a great achievement that will allow us to live with more confidence.

Regarding the latter, clinical psychologist José Ayala explains
“on the one hand, we have the aesthetic conception that is socially given and, on the other, perhaps the most important to work on: the way in which each subject can perceive and giving certain meanings to their own appearance over time and, later, reflecting that in their daily behaviours and their interaction with others”
Having said this, we enter the second point of interest: the gaze of others. As a consequence of how we feel about our own appearance, our self-esteem will be formed and our attitude to show ourselves in front of other people will depend on it.
Throughout our lives, we can have different experiences that leave a mark on our skin, such as an accident, an operation, a mastectomy, a burn scar, etc.
The reason why we carry the wound can bring us pleasant memories, such as the birth of a child, or unpleasant ones, such as the recollection of a violent situation.

For these reasons, there are many people who decide to resort to the art of tattoos as a way to re-signify their scars and remove all kinds of complexes related to them.
The possibility of being able to capture a design on a wound that causes self-doubt opens a new panorama where people stop seeing that area of the body as a reason to be ashamed and change it so that they can feel proud of it, love it and show it off.
Ayala, tells a little about the psychic impact generated by this practice
"It is not the fact of the tattoo itself, but the meaning that the subject gives to it and that, in this way, generates that feeling of mental well-being."
It is clear that the idea of getting tattooed on a scar is an excellent option that will renew our vision of ourselves, but can anyone go to this procedure?
Who can not get tattooed on a scar?
Although in many cases it is possible to do this, there are impediments that may even exclude this possibility. The information that we will give below may vary in specific cases, so it is always advisable to consult a specialist.
It is recommended not to perform this procedure on people who have keloid scars (thickened and raised wound) or varicose veins. It is also not advisable for those with pathologies in which a tattoo could pose a risk to their health, or for wounds that have not yet completed their healing cycle.
Regarding the latter, the following question arises: how long should I wait to get a scar tattooed?

Estimated time to tattoo a scar
To be able to tattoo on a scar, it is necessary to have the skin in good condition, which means that you have to wait for the wound to heal correctly. The ink shouldn’t cause any health problems, and the design should be of the highest possible quality.
Dr. Jorge Planas, responds as follows to a query from a patient who wants to get a tattoo over a scar:
“The time it takes to get a tattoo to hide the scars varies. In general terms, it is necessary to wait for the scar to be fully healed and normalized, and on average this usually represents a year of waiting. My recommendation is that you consult your doctor after the operation so that they can review the condition of the scar and tell you when it could be done”.

The world of tattoos offers a satisfactory option for those who have a scar on their skin that they wish to re-signify, restoring self-confidence in many people.
If you want to do it, you should always consult your doctor, so that they can guide you on what the best option is according to your situation.
If you liked this article, and you know someone who might be interested in the information, don't hesitate to pass it on! This decision could be a big change in their life.