The use of medicinal plants is being increasingly incorporated into different disciplines, and in this, tattoos are not far behind.
But many doubts arise about whether it is effective, the potential uses, the kind of products and its consequences on health.
To clear these and many more doubts, keep reading this article to learn everything about the use of CBD in tattoos.
What is CBD?
CBD refers to cannabidiol, a chemical found in the sativa-type marijuana plant.

This plant has different components, called cannabinoids and, within them, two main components stand out: THC and CBD. The difference is that THC has psychotropic effects, but CBD hasn’t. On the contrary, it has been proven to have significant benefits for therapeutic and medical use.
After research, the WHO determined that cannabidiol is not an addictive substance and does not produce adverse side effects.
Scientists have shown that CBD can have very favourable characteristics for its medicinal use and treating different diseases and pathologies. Cannabidiol can be used as:
- Anticonvulsant
- Analgesic
- Anxiolytic
- Neuro-protector
- Anti-nausea and antiemetic.
But we will stop at its analgesic effect. Let's go for it.
What relationship can CBD have with tattoos?

Using the marijuana plant for industrial use is being increasingly considered by large companies and in different countries where this substance is legal.
The plants that have this purpose and the extracted product are known as industrial hemp. Industrial hemp is included in an endless number of branches of the industry due to its great potential and benefits.
Many companies have incorporated cannabidiol in tattoo products, such as creams or lotions, for different purposes and its analgesic effect.
We know that many clients may have a low tolerance for the pain caused by needles, and seeking a calming alternative can be very necessary. This is why many companies have not missed the opportunity to provide a solution.
The analgesic effects that cannabidiol can generate are a great option to include in tattoos.
Some people use CBD as a superficial local anaesthetic to relieve pain during the session.
Study reveals that this component suppresses neuropathic and inflammatory pain, symptoms present when tattooing, and it is beneficial when painful areas are tattooed.
On the other hand, as some may think, CBD does not produce resistance; that is, it will always maintain the same effect on the skin and not because it is used repeatedly will it make the skin get used to it and lose its effectiveness. Especially when it comes to anaesthetic products.
Products with CBD
Some cream products, like the ones we told you about in this article Anaesthesia: A safe method when having a tattoo? contain lidocaine. This chemical component works to anaesthetise locally.
But in its replacement, cannabidiol can be used for its natural origin.
Apart from all its properties as an anti-inflammatory, it can also be useful at the time of healing.
Some manufacturers of tattoo products, such as Aloetattoo or H2Ocean, include them in a wide variety of ways and with tested and approved products, offering creams, lotions, and gels for tattoo care, both before, during and after the session, since it can also be used as an antiseptic.
And for those who are interested in using cruelty-free products, these companies are a suitable option since they also offer vegan products.
H2 Ocean is one of the best brands on the market, not only for its line of CBD products, but also for all the other ingredients they produce. They are of American origin and are available on their page and Amazon.
One of their highly recommended CBD products is a tattoo aftercare cream, which is also 100% vegan. This soothes redness and inflammation, which can also be used during tattooing.

This company is rigorous, and before launching a product, they dedicate time to testing and testing to determine its safety. In the case of this cream, 2 years of studies have passed to be able to launch it on the market.
On the other hand, they also offer an antibacterial protector during the session, which can stop bleeding and inflammation. It has a harder consistency than the previous one, but it works very well, and it is also 100% vegan.

As we mentioned, another recommended brand for tattoo supplies is Aloe tattoo, which offers a line of excellent CBD products.
For example, a gel that replaces white petroleum jelly, free of petroleum, chemical preservatives, and perfumes, can often cause allergies. This works as a skin barrier to prevent the entry of unwanted bacteria.

They also offer another substitute for Vaseline, which is 100% of vegetable origin with the same characteristics as the previous one, but this one is intended for use after the tattoo session.

In conclusion, each tattoo artist finds the products that best serve their work, and you should do the same. These are some of the ones we recommend since we attest that they are safe, but the important thing here is that you can choose them with your criteria.
If you need any clarification, consult authorised professionals or with us. Always remember to select tested and approved products because the fact that they are of vegetable origin does not always mean that they are good.
Here it is essential to always work with serious brands that specialise in research to provide a better product.
Did you already know about CBD? Would you include it in your work?
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